None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

Before and after.

Before and after.

For me it is funny to watch people take photos of everything. Selfies and people carrying selfie sticks to take said selfie pictures is very much the norm these days. It was interesting for me to watch a lady, just before getting off our airplane in Singapore, to sit in her chair and herself. I enjoyed watching her contort her face into every conceivable expression imaginable, oblivious to the fact that so many of us, waiting for the doors to open, just stared at her efforts. I'm not so sure I could be so relaxed with everyone staring at me. I would feel the same embarrassment of having to visit a toilet with no door on it. Actually, that is not true. I have sat with three other people, cheek to cheek, on a wooden bench with four holes in it during the Gulf War in 1991. You actually got used to it. The desert doesn't afford you any luxuries. We would often share the same old newspaper helping each other do the crossword. Strange times indeed. 

The other fascination with modern photo taking is the before and after photo. The one where you have been on a diet or become pregnant and want to catalogue the physical changes to your body. It is funny to see the before and after photos from the diet supplements advertised in any magazine you care to read. The lighting, posture and in some cases the people are not the same. Yet people are still influenced by the pictures. We seem to be attracted to pictures, no matter what they contain.

How many times have you seen people take pictures of their food or drinks? It is bad enough that you are hungry and want to eat, that you have to wait whilst someone wants to take a picture of all the food on the table. I have no idea for what purpose they are doing it. I can only imagine it is used to make their other friends jealous.

So, I have come up with what I hope will be a new trend. Taking before and after photos of your dinner. Get the lighting right, angle you camera just perfect and take the picture...........then wait. Wait about twelve to eighteen hours, depending on how "regular" you are, then let that morning cup of tea or coffee work its magic. Make sure you have the flash on because the lighting can be difficult down there. Then present your dinner's before and after pictures to all your mates on Social Media. See how many likes or smiley faces you get.

I would have posted my pictures but I got distracted asking myself an important question. Just when the Hell did I eat sweetcorn?


Take me drunk, I'm home!

Take me drunk, I'm home!

Today's presentation is "Torture"

Today's presentation is "Torture"