None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

Take me drunk, I'm home!

Take me drunk, I'm home!

I won’t confess to being a sensible drinker, that would be a lie. I do have sober moments though. However, when I am travelling on business I accept, usually with open arms, that alcohol has a role to play. Entertaining clients, helping me cope with sleep issues or just plain socializing are just a few of the reasons I drink when I travel.

However, on this business trip I have been avoiding drink all week after a holiday booze binge with the family. My two ladies can drink and party so hard I’m almost ready to invite them to the Rum Club. (A place to forget….everything!)

So today, a Saturday, after abstaining from any form of libation, I decided to go to the Sheraton Club Lounge where you can enjoy, for a couple of hours, a tipple or two for free. However, I have jet lag so I’ve been up since 02:00 and not slept a wink. It is now 19:00 and I’m starting to feel a little tired. So I think, what the hell, a quick drink will help me sleep longer……….yep, that old myth! Unfortunately, the last meal I ate was at 06:30, breakfast. So, after the first pint of rum and coke, I’m thinking this is not going well. I’ve got the giggles already and there is still an hour of drinking to go. So the lovely lady Lounge Supervisor comes up to me and asks, whilst I’m filling my second pint of Bacardi and coke, and asks politely, “Do you have coke enough for that drink?” I knew I was heading south when I replied……”I have a coconut, I don’t heed anymore.”  She stared at me curiously (took me half an hour to write that word). So anyway, I’m not fazed because it all makes sense to me………….and anyone else who wobbles whilst standing. Oh, and also has to sit down to pee because the toilet keeps moving.

Finally, half an hour later, she asks, “ Last orders sir, would you like another?”

I tried hard to focus on her and replied, “Dess peas, hanother mum and choke……….han sum plastic for my bed.” Again, she looked confused. Anyway, as I consume this pint I am left to contemplate (thank goodness for spell checkers) how…………..what was I talking about?

Not my best look.

Not my best look.

Before and after.

Before and after.