None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

A Gentleman's dilemma

A Gentleman's dilemma

So, you’ve just had breakfast with your wife in the hotel lounge and you decide to finish off the meal with a bladder buster size cup of tea. Upon returning to the hotel room you can feel the tea is having the usual effect on your digestive system and you think “Uh oh, a visit to the loo is in order………and sharpish!”
Of course, it is at this exact moment, as you are walking from the elevator towards your hotel room that your darling wife says, “I just need to go to the loo when we get in.”
Uh oh, that was not in the plan but that’s ok, being a gentleman and wanting do the right thing I said, “ Me too......... but ladies first”. What a mistake that was.
Before my wife had informed me of her intentions, I was already committed to an action plan and although my head had interrupted that plan, the rest of my body had not agreed to the new delay. Other parts of me were on schedule “to deliver”. Needless to say, the sweating and teeth grinding began in earnest.
“How bloody long is she going to be in there?” I kept asking myself. I can’t keep clenching like this, I’m getting a cramp. Then your imagination starts to add to the stress by feeding your brain with false data. “Is that nail polish I can smell? She only went in for a quick visit and now she doing a bloody manicure……aaaargh!” I was becoming delirious.
There is only so hard you can bite down on the office desk before a chunk is bitten clean off. It is then that the involuntary whimpering sounds start. Incoherent words and mutterings begin to get louder. Oh, and just when did I learn to tap dance like a professional? Because here I am shuffling and tapping away like Fred Astair……….and then the toilet door opens. I did try my best to keep a calm and composed facade as I stampeded towards the door and the politest uttering I could say, well shout really, at my wife, was “MOVE!”
In these modern days of equality was I right to keep the “old school” approach of “ladies first”? Or should I have been more open about the urgency of my situation and explained that, perhaps, my needs were greater?
I did ask my wife afterwards, that if she had to define her need to visit the toilet, on a scale of one to ten. One being: I might need to go. and Ten being: If I don’t go this very instant I will suffer renal damage and my large intestines will need extensive surgery. She informed me that her desire was probably about a six. “Fair enough”, I thought. She then asked me where I was on the scale. I replied, “ A strong fifteen and close to unconsciousness”.
As urgency is always present in this situation, we have decided that in the future we will use rock-paper-scissors to decide who can use the loo first. Although I think this will deteriorate rapidly into rock-toilet paper-skid mark-kitchen sink.

Today's presentation is "Torture"

Today's presentation is "Torture"