None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

The walls have ears!

The walls have ears!


I don’t like to eavesdrop, I have enough going on in my own life without having to worry about the lives of complete strangers. However, sometimes you cannot help but hear what is going on in the lives of others.

I’m staying at a hotel in Los Angeles, California and it has to have the thinnest walls of any hotel I have ever stayed in. I have only been in this room two nights and I have struggled to sleep.

The first night someone in the room next door was snoring and it sounded like they were in the same room as me.

The next night, it was the turn of an arguing couple to stay in that room. It was a heated argument with a lot of shouting. Thankfully nothing was smashed or broken but emotions were running high. I did not hear his name but hers was (I’m guessing the spelling here) DaShawna, which he used a lot, usually with the word “NO!” before it. He also referred to her as Dash and “D-girl” which she did not appreciate at all. She did most of the talking and shouting with a shrill voice that was pealing the paint off my hotel room walls. The shouting ended at about two in the morning with him leaving and slamming the door behind him. I then had to endure an upset DaShawna talking to one of her friends, on her phone, for another two hours.

Update: I finally got to sleep as daylight was creeping in under my curtains. Oh, and DaShawna is keeping the baby.

Browser shame

Browser shame