None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

The Cyclops in 4J

The Cyclops in 4J

Hidden dangers, they exist and they pop out, literally, when we least expect them to. Who would have thought that a roll-on deodorant bottle could cause so much drama?

I recently travelled with Turkish Airlines to Hong Kong and it was a very enjoyable experience. I managed to get plenty of sleep and felt very refreshed when I awoke, just as breakfast was being served. On long haul flights I always change into my pajamas because it is a much more comfortable way to fly, especially as the cabins are always too warm for wearing jeans and shirts. After breakfast I change back into my big boy clothes and prepared for landing. Normally, when I change clothes, I will take my wash bag with me to the toilet and freshen up with a new application of deodorant and cologne.

On this particular flight the stewardess was very quick to retrieve my clothes, which were hanging up in a closet somewhere. Not wanting her to stand there whilst I found my wash bag, I just grabbed my clothes and went to get changed. Upon returning to my seat, dressed and ready to face the World, I found my wash bag and thought I would discreetly apply the deodorant there and then. I have experienced previously, that the ball on the top of a roll-on deodorant bottle can pop out due to the air pressure in the bottle being greater than the air pressure in the aircraft cabin at high altitude. It is easy to just press the ball back into the top of the bottle and it will function as normal. However, on this flight, when I unscrewed the top of the deodorant bottle…….nothing happened. About two seconds later, as I was moving the bottle away from the wash bag and towards my body, the bloody thing went off like a violently shaken bottle of champagne! The plastic ball, the roller, shot out of the bottle at very high velocity. It was impressive to say the least…….until it hit the gentleman enjoying his breakfast in seat 4J. It ricocheted off his forehead and under the seat of the man, across the aisle in 4G, who was blissfully unaware of what had just happened.

Now several actions were taking place all at once. Although he was not hit in the centre of his forehead, it was close enough for him to now be labelled Cyclops as the red mark appeared instantly at the place of impact. It did not swell up like a bump from a Tom and Jerry cartoon but it was easily seen and very red. Rubbing the point of impact, Cyclops was now spreading deodorant on his forehead. Meanwhile, I had dropped to my knees and, using my mobile phone as a torch, tried to find the “ball” under the seat 4G. The occupant of 4G was busy finishing his breakfast and began looking at me with a very concerned expression. More attention was brought to the drama when an air hostess joined me in the hunt for what she thought must be something of value. She immediately took away the breakfast off the gent in 4G and asked him to lift his feet. She was so keen to find it that I was worried she would ask the pilot to put the aircraft into a dive, so that the ball would roll out from under the seat. I tried to de-escalate the  incident by telling her that it was not important or valuable and I could look for the object after everyone had left the plane.

Cyclops was still flustered, having been struck by a UFO, and was demanding answers from myself and the air hostess. It was then I noticed that he was sweating……..except on his forehead. If the advertisement was true, he would have a dry forehead for the next twenty four hours, even if he went rock climbing.

The Communist butt plug naivity

The Communist butt plug naivity

Woke Pokemon

Woke Pokemon