None of us are perfect, some of us not even close! Winnieleaks is a blog about sharing the travel adventures, mishaps and funny stories in one man's life, hoping it will make you smile.

That Father Daughter talk you dread.

That Father Daughter talk you dread.

There are just some conversations a father should not have with his daughter, even if the daughter is in her thirties.

My daughter, Beth-Miriam, called me to ask for some advice on selling her apartment and buying a house. Her and her partner, Stig, had options and they were not in complete agreement about the options.

During our telephone conversation she suddenly asked me, “Dad, did you just say that in order to make a decision, Stig and I would have to watch porn together?”

Me: NO! Why the hell would I suggest that?

Daughter: You just did………..and don’t tell me it has to be the midget porn that you joke about.

Me: No I did not and what’s wrong with midget porn?

Daughter: Can it be gay midget porn?

Me: What? That’s disturbing! Stick to the bondage midget stuff, it is way funnier!

Daughter: So what did you say then?

Me: In order for you to make the right decision, you and Stig have to decide what’s important together.


Much laughter followed but what is really important here is that no father should ever be talking about gay midget porn with his daughter……..ever! However, bondage midget porn…….that’s OK!

Woke Pokemon

Woke Pokemon

Chinese Whispers

Chinese Whispers